Tuesday, December 15, 2009

My Favorite Christmas Memory!

When I was six years old, I really, really wanted a pair of white Go-Go boots like my cousin. I know, I'm dating myself. For those of you who don't know, Go-Go boots were very popular in the early seventies.
Well, my parents were very poor so they couldn't afford the boots, so I asked for Santa to bring me them.
That Christmas Eve, I couldn't sleep a wink, wondering if Santa had gotten my letter. Would he bring the boots?

I woke up early Christmas morning, before my parents even. It was so cold. Back then, we heated our house with little space heaters. The one in the living room wasn't on and I didn't know how to make it work, but it didn't matter.
I ran to the Christmas tree and low and behold there they were. You guessed it, Santa had brought me the white boots after all along with a few other presents.

For me, that was the best Christmas ever! And even until this day, every time I spell apples and oranges, I think of Chrstimas and I smile remembering those white Go-Go boots!

Thanks Mom and Dad!

All the best...

Mary Eason

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