Thursday, December 24, 2009

Let there be peace on earth...

What could be more fitting on this eve of the birth of the Prince of Peace.

 Let there be Peace on Earth
And let it begin with me.
Let there be Peace on Earth,
The Peace that was meant to be.

With God as our Father,
Family ALL are We.
Let us walk now Together
In Perfect Harmony.

Let Peace begin with me,
Let this be the moment NOW.
With every breath I take,

Let this be my solemn Vow:
To take each moment
and Live each moment
in Peace, Eternally.

Let there be Peace on Earth
and let it begin with me.
I hope this Christmas Eve brings you peace of heart.

All the best...

Mary Eason

1 comment:

Colleen said...

Wishing you the best! :D