Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Cindy's Christmas Traditions Contest

I’m having a blog contest right now, sharing about Christmas traditions. I’ve received some splendid replies already. Our family is fairly conventional during the season. We plan a big dinner with my siblings, their kids and my mom. My boys and I read A Christmas Carol every year and then watch the film adaptation. We bake Christmas cookies and my oldest makes us a Christmas chain to mark off the days until Christmas Day. I bake my grandmother's recipe for fudge-chocolate and peanut butter varieties.

What are some of your Christmas traditions? Email me by December 18th at
contests@cindykgreen.com and I will put you into a drawing to win one of three e-books. (Relationship Rescue, Night of NovelTea, or Dilemma of the Heart) So, yes, that means there will be THREE WINNERS! You can visit my blog for more details. I’ll be posting some of the replies on my blog as well.

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